Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Played badminton today. Went to one badminton court but then we stopped for awhile coz it was too windy to play. Instead we just played bball with these 3 bunch of noobs. Sia la me, rian and raihan damn pissed off them. They say i double sia. WTF i never double dribble the basketball. Then guess what they say i double then they shoot two freethrows. DUMB SIA! halfcourt where got can shoot freethrow. dumb asses. Then they do nth but speak chinese so we cant understand. So raihan and rian started talking malay stuff back to them. lol. Damn pissed off them sia wanted to smack those fat asses of theirs ZZZ.. Finally got to play badminton after that and it was quite fun haha. After badminton went to rian's house to do geog project. LOL SIA rian go write smth in shaj wall. then rai press enter then the stuff that rian wrote ended up at shaj wall. And those stuff are baaaaaad stuff. yeah, bad! luckily can delete. haha then just slacked there watching tv lol. Managed to do just abit of the geog. So yea went home at like 7+ hahaha. Excited for tomo gonna watch TRANSFORMERS REVENGE OF THE FALLEN~~ :D


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