Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Today was a blast! Transformers was awesome! Must watch i tell you..must watch! I posted the trailer so you can all check it out. Went to the movies quite early like 11 like that. But still the place was like packed. Guess so many other people also want watch transformers hehe. After the movie went down to play bowling managed to beat my high score and get 178 points wooh! That included a turkey.hehehe after that wanted they all wanted to play some bball so we went to the basketball court. However, i forgot to bring a damn basketball. FORGOT. dang.. so we just went to the basketball court near my block there to play and not nice lor.. so wet the ball damn slippery. so yeah. went home after that. btw WATCH TRANSFORMERS REVENGE OF THE FALLEN!~ wooh!


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